Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Drumroll please...

Testopia 1.3 is here. This is the first version to work with Bugzilla 3.0 and mod_perl.
Unfortunately, it does not work with Bugzilla 2.22.x. For that you need...

Testopia 1.2.2 - This release fixes most of the major bugs in 1.2.1 and also should now (fully?) support PostgreSQL databases.

I appreciate the feedback I have been getting so far. This project has been my first real foray into the world of software engineering. Being fresh out of college when I started this, it has been a great learning experience. Some people have been complaining about how poor the quality is. As I have mentioned in the past, Testopia is developed against a customized version of Bugzilla run by my company. My duties are split between developing Testopia and maintaining our Bugzilla installation.

Part of the reason there are so many bugs in Testopia is that I don't have the time or resources to fully test it against the "Vanilla" Bugzilla before releasing it. My first obligation in developing Testopia is to make sure it works for my employers. Anything beyond this for the open source community is done primarily on my own time.

I am committed to making Testopia the best open source test case management system available. However, I am just one developer with limited time and resources. The point of open source is to have community support. Until the community steps up with some contributions, Testopia will have to be developed on my time line. My time line is determined by my Employer and my personal obligations.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hey Greg - we appreciate what you're trying to do - keep it up!

Ehab said...

We've been waiting for this version for quite some time so, kudos!

I'm new to Testopia though...

I'm using Bugzilla 3, Apache 2.2.3, and this new version - 1.3.

When I try to create a new plan, Bugzilla gives me a Missing Paramter page with the following error:
Bugzilla has suffered an internal error. Please save this page and send it to me@myserver.com with details of what you were doing at the time this message appeared.

URL: http://testopia.myserver.com/tr_new_plan.cgi
The function Bugzilla::Testopia::TestPlan->create requires a name argument, and that argument was not set.

I filled in all the fields when I get this error.

I just noticed something from your post... do I have to run Bugzilla using mod_perl2 to be able to use Testopia? I currently use mod_cgi.

I'd appreciate your suggestions and thanks in advance.

Greg Hendricks said...

No, you don't need to run mod_perl.

Make sure your dojo files are readable by the web server. For other support questions, post to the mailinglist.

James said...

After install this latest patch for Bugzilla 3.0 I tried to edit my test plan attributes and keep getting the error: "You do not have sufficient rights to create new plans", but for the privileges for the plan I have: editcomponents: Can create, destroy, and edit components.
edittestcases: Can add, delete and edit test cases.
managetestplans: Can create, destroy, run and edit test plans.

Any ideas?

Greg Hendricks said...

You need to make sure you are in the Testers group. If there were errors during install it may not have been created. You can create it manually in Bugzilla. Make sure it is Testers with a capital T.

Mikhael Axelrod said...


Unknown said...

Congratulations for the hard work :)

I am experiencing the same issue with the missing parameter when creating a new plan.
dojo.js file is readable and even executable and when clicked on it the file shows its text content.
If there is anything you think can be done, I will greatly appreciate your advice.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

We tried to change our Bugzilla version from 2.20 to 3.0.3 and installed Testopia 1.3. When we tried to add a new test plan we got the following error and couldn't proceed further.


The function Bugzilla::Testopia::TestPlan->create requires a name argument, and that argument was not set.;
even when we had given a name for it.